Firmata Builder

Generate a custom Firmata sketch based on a selection of Firmata features.

How to use Firmata Builder

Make sure you first have the latest version of ConfigurableFirmata installed in your sketchbook libraries folder (typically /Documents/Arduino/libraries/ for Mac or Linux or \My Documents\Arduino\libraries\ for Windows). The latest version is 2.10.1.

Next, select how you will connect to your client application. Typically this is a Serial connection at 57600 baud, but Wi-Fi, Ethernet and BLE are also available for certain boards and shields.

Once you have the connection type configured, select the core features and any contributed features your application requires.

Finally, name your file and click the Build and Download button and your custom Firmata will be downloaded.

Configure connection

Select and configure the connection to your Firmata client. Serial, 57600 baud is the most common configuration.


Either Remote IP or Remote host is required


Leave blank to use DHCP

The UIPEternet library must be installed to use ENC28J60-based boards and shields. UIPEthernet Library Download


Leave blank to use DHCP


Required for ESP8266


Required for ESP8266


Core features

Core features are included in the ConfigurableFirmata library and do not require any additional downloads.

Contributed features

Contributed features and their dependencies are not included in the ConfigurableFirmata library and must be downloaded separately and installed in your sketchbook libraries folder.

Adds support for rotary encoders and other position sensors.


An adapter for the rc-switch Arduino library. Include RCOutputFirmata to transmit RF signals.


  • rc-switch (v2.52) Download
    When rc-switch 2.6.0 or newer is used, it is not possible to send tristate codes. However, sending long codes is possible.

An adapter for the rc-switch Arduino library. Include RCInputFirmata to receive RF signals.



Name your custom Firmata and click to download. Once downloaded, unzip and open the enclosed .ino file in the Arduino IDE. Then compile and upload the file just like you would any other Arduino sketch.